:性能特点 perfomance charcteisic (1)可调式增压同步联动配比机构,配比调整十分方便。
Versatile and flexible with material ratios.
Maximizes consistent savings by keeping mixed material to minimum Delivers a
consistent,high-output flow of material,ensuring line speedand proper curing.
A组份胶罐径 the barral foot-path of A group glue por :570mm
B组份胶罐径 the barral foot-path:355mm
配比值范围(A 胶:B胶) ratio rang :6:1-14:1
最大耗气量 maimalair consumption :0.8m(立方米)/min
挤胶工作压力 the operating pressure of crowd lue :20.6Mpa
A泵工作压力 pump A working pressure :0.2-0.7Mpa
外形尺寸 Overall dimension:1200×1100 ×2500(mm)
重量 Weight:600kg